Q. How do I shop the new UNIQLO website?
We are excited to share our new website! You can find out more about the improvements we've made to our site and tips on navigating our new store below.
*Please note that if you are using an iPad or tablet we strongly recommend to use the UNIQLO App which you can find in your device's app store.
Homepage Updates
Our new homepage features four gender tabs at the top of the screen. By swiping left or right, you can access each gender’s homepage banners. To start shopping, simply scroll up or down through the banners to discover product collections, new arrivals, special offers and LifeWear updates.
Navigation Menu Updates
Our product categories are now available within a navigation window. Click on the magnifying glass in the bottom-centre of the screen to expand the navigation menu. Select your preferred category and sub-category from the list to start shopping. To access information about Live Station, StyleHint, Sustainability and other UNIQLO initiatives, simply scroll down beyond the product categories to find relevant information.
How do I shop by category?
Simply click on the magnifying glass in the bottom centre of the screen to view categories. Click on your preferred product category or shop by featured items (new arrivals, coming soon, multi-buy offers etc.).
Where can I access special collaborations and the latest UT collections?
Click on the magnifying glass to expand the navigation window. Scroll down beyond the product categories and ‘From Uniqlo’ Information until you reach Special Collaboration and UT Collections.
How do I log in/access my membership information?
To access membership information, click on the ‘person’ icon to the right of the magnifying glass. This should prompt you to log in or view your membership information.
We look forward to shopping with you! If you have any feedback to share with us about these changes, please feel free to click below.